Fight fishing crime - new tool for members
As summer rapidly approaches we would like to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone as we gear up for angling. You should now be aware that during last season, 14 illegal anglers were escorted from CDAC waters and there was one serious (emergency) incident.

Please check out the new Police.Uk app web page and apps available on Android Play Store and Apple Appstore to download to your mobile phone. This provides a new and convenient way to register any concerns direct to Durham Police’s control room, as an 'electronic' 101 call.
For all non-emergency situations, or anti-social behaviour, threatening behaviour or harassment, DO NOT confront or engage people and please contact the Club’s head bailiff (the numbers is on the rear of your membership card). Also contact the Police on 101 or use the Police.UK app, quoting ‘Operation Traverse’. If required, please also contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.
For all emergency situations, DO NOT confront or engage people and immediately call 999, do not use the Police.UK app or call 101.