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2024 Calendar


  • 1st February - Salmon season opens.

  • 2nd February - Estate waters open.
    28th February - All subscriptions must be paid up,
    (see Rules & Regulations 16).





  • 3rd April - Sea Trout season opens.

  • ​*Saturday 6th April - Litter picking and hogweed cutting at Cocken Farm: Meet 9:30am at the Cocken Farm car park.

  • *Saturday 13th April - Litter picking and hogweed cutting at Harbour House: Meet 9:30am at the Harbour House car park.

  • *Saturday 20th April - Litter picking and hogweed cutting at Cong Burn: Meet 9:30am at the Cong Burn car park.



  • **Saturday 18th May - CDAC member only fly casting instruction 'Open Day' with  Neil Lobban.  Meet 11.00am Cong Burn.



  • 16th June - any member who catches a Salmon before this date must return the fish immediately to the water.







  • Last Sunday in November - Club’s AGM.

  • Catch returns to be in the hands of the Club Secretary on or before 30th November of the relevant year otherwise you

      will incur a £50 penalty fee on re-joining. 



*Work Party Information


​Litter Picking
You will be supplied with litter pickers and bags. On all three occasions, please wear appropriate clothing.

Hogweed Cutting

You will be briefed on the risks associated with the cutting of Giant Hogweed, before travelling to the sites. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring your own spade.


Hogweed & Japanese Knotweed Spraying

Help from anyone who has a PA6 qualification for back-pack sprayers would be greatly appreciated. There is a lot of Giant Hogweed and some Japanese Knotweed along this stretch which requires spraying. Spare back-pack sprayers will be provided, if required. PPE will also be provided. This will include, gloves, face shield and coverall, hand wipes, eye-wash and sanitiser. You will need wellingtons or waders and all herbicide will be provided on the day.


**Fly casting 'Open Day' Information *members only*


11:00am-2.30pm  on Saturday 18th May, 2024 - Parking @ Cong Burn Car Park

  • Neil Lobban, ‘Full’ member, a Master qualified instructor with AAPGAI in both single and double handed casting, who works alongside several tackle companies and is also the chairman of the North East Fly Casting Club (NEFCC), is holding a CDAC Open Day at Cong Burn beat.

  • The day will include discussions and demonstrations about tackle, casting and fishing techniques for the various conditions you might face on the river and everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and also ‘have a go’ on the day, if they wish.

  • The day is free and open to anglers of all ages, abilities and experience. 

  • Parking arrangements – Cong Burn car-park

  • You are advised that you should bring with you a suitable chair, food/drink, sunglasses and a hat. Waders, a rod, reel and line will be required if you wish to ‘have a go’, although these can be provided on the day, if requested.

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